
Monday, December 18, 2017

Lunch Adventures

(Posted a week late because - life.)

Today's lunch was an adventure.
The day started hard for me. I had no energy, I stayed up late working on an alteration and then once I went to bed it was up a couple times to comfort the girls, a couple times for pregnancy discomfort.. just very little sleep. When the girls woke up I was dragging, we had power bars for breakfast because we're out of cereal and I just wasn't fixing breakfast.
Finally when lunch time rolled around I was feeling a little more alive and as Jerusha brought me a red potato asking if we could play baseball with it I decided, "no, but let's cook it for lunch, okay?" And that became the plan;  we'd make breakfast for lunch.

We diced up a couple red potatoes and put them in the skillet with butter, olive oil, and some seasonings. I pulled the eggs out of the refrigerator. So I had the start to a decent breakfast for lunch but it needed the “fluff”. I needed to whip up a batch of pancakes.. or biscuits.. or something.. something like doughnuts. (Doughnuts? Donuts? I never know..)

I’d been wanting to try doughnuts out for awhile so I pulled up Pinterest on my phone looking for a ‘quick cake donut recipe’ and thumbed through the donut section of my go-to recipe book. I quickly discovered donuts aren’t a ‘quick’ recipe but since I’m not one to let following exact instructions stand in my way I settled on a recipe and went for it, skipping the ‘refrigeraterate for one hour’ part.

They really turned out okay. No thanks to Éowyn who kept pulling a chair up and hanging on me as I tried to quickly cut and fry three at a time. My oil kept getting too hot because I was using such a tiny pan and being inconsistent with my timing. I was frustrated with Wyn and kept putting her down telling her to “just leave me alone for a few minutes”. Jerusha, ever the wonderful sensitive sister stood up on the chair and yelled at me “hey, don’t be angry at my Wyn sister” then she leaned her head on to my arm and began petting me “You is awesome at this Mommy, You is just awesome at making  food. Wyn is okay, okay?”
The failings of my donuts were (1) the oil temperature fluctuating too much and (2) the dough not being chilled so being difficult to work with and being dense from lack of proper rising. A couple soaked up a little too much grease but over all I was happy with them.
On another day, with proper planning ahead, I’d like to do it again.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Jerusha was right about it all! You are awesome at this and Wyn is okay 💗
