
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Ozella Marie -Birth Story

20 months have passed since I last wrote out a birth story, in that time I’ve made one post, and apparently survived another pregnancy and delivered another baby. So it would seem my blog is simply where I record birth stories, maybe someday that will change and I’ll get back into the swing of narrating parts of our lives into stories to share, until then, without further ado, here you have the birth story of our newest addition, Ozella Marie, our 6th baby and home birth. 

I’d had a great pregnancy. I was in the perfect frame of mind. Thursday I was 41 weeks pregnant but I knew the baby was measuring small, I have a history of 42 week pregnancies and I was pretty sure this one would take me into the forty second week in order to fill this baby out. The fact that I was “waiting” really hadn’t crossed my mind, I wasn’t even close to impatient.

I noticed first thing in the morning I had to go to the bathroom a couple times and told Wesley somewhat mockingly that ‘other women would think this might be a sign of impending labor but I know it’s probably just something I ate.’

He went to work, I started my day. 

After feeding the kids lunch and having a single contraction that made me tell the kids “that was a real contraction, if I had more like that I could think I was going into labor”. 

We moved on. I read Jonny Tremain to the kids, we finished and I noticed a few more decent contractions. Time to leave for Bible study. While at Bible study I knew the contractions were continuing but they were inconsistent, even if they were building. Some were noticeable enough that I had trouble concentrating on the discussion. Good signs, I started considering the fact it might be early labor, I’d know by tonight when we went home, if I could just go to sleep they’d go away, and I truly believed they would.

We stayed for dinner and fellowship, my contractions were completely erratic but if it didn’t turn into labor I still knew they were productive for preparing me for labor, they were definitely doing something. 

At 8 I told Wesley I thought it might be early labor, at 8:30 I told him I was ready to go home and rest, either so they’d stop, or so I’d be rested for labor. 

At home we settled in and got the kids to bed. I texted Shay to tell her I thought I might be in early labor, my contractions were intense enough they made me feel panicked, very typical of labor contractions for me, but, they weren’t the official 5/1 ratio so even though they felt like labor contractions they might just go away. 

Shay asked if I wanted her to come and check on the baby. I was a little worried about the babies position and just in case it was labor I thought I might as well find out to know if I should labor in a certain position. She arrived at 10:30PM and I told her if it doesn’t turn out to be actual labor don’t hold it against me, “just pretend you’re stopping by to visit at 10:30 at night”. 

Baby sounded good, position was okay. I asked her to go ahead and do a vaginal exam, in general I prefer not to have them but I felt like I needed to know if the contractions had caused any progression because I still couldn’t tell if it was labor, the contractions were just so random, short and intense. 

I was dilated to 5 but baby’s head was all on one side of my cervix not putting pressure evenly. Shay suggested laying on my left side if I wanted to progress, laying on my right side if I wanted it to slow down and let me rest for the night, either way she said baby was on its way. I chose the left side. I was already halfway there, might as well go for it. I laid on my left side, I had two contractions and it crossed my mind that I should tell Shay to call Barb, my other midwife, this was labor. A few more contractions over the next twenty minutes or so and I told Wesley to let Shay know Barb should come. She had an hour drive. I was still sure that was plenty of time, I’m always so nervous I’ll be a newbie mom and embarrass myself by having the midwives come too soon. I told Wesley to let my mom know to come. Shay came upstairs and observed a couple contractions, I told her I felt a little pushy. I saw the panic in Shay, she knows better than I that when I start feeling pushy our time is up; she told me she needed at least 20 more minutes in order to have backup. Barb wasn’t going to make it but another midwife from Avon was closer and could get here to help. She asked me to blow through contractions and roll off my left side to slow things down. It is still surreal to me. I rolled to my back and had about ten minutes between a contraction where I was joking with Shay that I didn’t want to wait for another midwife but I would wait because I might as well have a December 2nd birthday, 12/02/2022 was a nice birthdate. Another REAL contraction took over and I felt like pushing, I tried blowing, I got panicky, Shay reminded me to “just breath” I relaxed and made it through. I watched the clock, I contracted, I breathed low and tired to stay calm. I knew I was getting close to the point where I wouldn’t be able to hold back. I think I remember Shay saying Cassandra had arrived, I could start pushing as soon as she made it in. Wesley pointed out my mom was only five minutes out, I thought ‘guess she should’ve driven faster’ I was done waiting. 

I stood up out of bed, planning to squat and push for the next contraction but I didn’t really have time, I just accepted the first contraction and continued to focus on my breathing. Second contraction I squated; too deep, horribly uncomfortable, no urge to push, just irritation that I didn’t push. I stood, another contraction, the urge to push was back, my waters broke, it was a horrible mess. My waters were full of meconium, so much water, so much baby poop, uncontrollable urge to pee. Another contraction and Shay said “I need you to push”. I was hoping to let go and just breath the baby out, but knew the meconium must have caused a need to rush. I dreaded it but I started pushing with the next contraction and everything just clicked into place, the dread melted, I said “she’s going to crown with the next one” I reached down, contracted, felt her crowning, it was euphoric. I wasn’t even sure if I was having contractions anymore, I just relaxed and pushed. The baby birthed. Shay had a hand on her, I held her, Shay announced “the cord!” I blubbered “it’s Ozella, I was right, it’s a girl! Ozella, right? She’s Ozella Wesley?” 

“Lower her Haley, the cord” from Shay who still had her wits about her. That’s when I noticed how wound up in her cord she was. I’ve never seen a baby so tied up. It was around her neck twice, crisscrossed around her body, looped around her ankle. We tried rolling her one way and got a loop off, rolled her another way, I unlooped one from her neck, there was so much unwinding to do. 

My mom did make it at some point, maybe not in time to see Ozella be birthed, but she slipped into the room, camera on, capturing the process of unwinding Ozella from her cord.

With my history of hemorrhage, and continuing to struggle with anemia throughout the whole pregnancy the midwives had advised pitocin immediately following birth to prevent a hemorrhage. I allowed it so once the baby had been birthed Cassandra administered the first dose, I didn’t even notice. Throughout the period following Ozella’s birth I continued to have a steady bloodflow so received a second dose of pitocin and eventually the lowest dose of cytotec. Part of me is disappointed that my body failed, again, at this aspect of labor and delivery, but most of me is just thankful to live in a time and place that has the means and allows for help: I have professionally trained midwives, with the knowledge and means to stop my bleeding, so even if it takes modern medicine, there being no natural way of doing it, I am grateful. I have given birth six times in seven years, I have asked a lot of my body, so I choose to see it as a blessing that God allows me to continue doing what I love and providing the lifesaving details necessary. 

I’m truly surprised my baby is already here; I have worked hard at preparing myself mentally for labor, I’m ready and willing to trust my body, it’s instincts and knowledge. I always read and learn about labor and birthing positions for optimal comfort and results. A part of me believes I’ve applied the knowledge and let my body take charge and do what it was designed to do, but most of me continues to believe it was a fluke, next baby I’ll probably go back to “normal” and have a long hard, many hour labor.As it was, I probably had an hour and a half of active labor.

My postpartum has been relaxing and enjoyable so far, snuggling this quiet sweetheart who has slid right into our home and hearts with no fuss. At nearly 48 hours she’s still so mild and unsure of our world that you’d hardly know she arrived.  


  1. So beautiful: the story, the baby, the mama, and the family!!! Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing your story, I enjoyed reading it.

  2. You might have included I did make it and gave you a pretty nice video of all the mess and the Cord Olympics. And am super proud of how you birthed Ozella and how the midwives continue to prove their weight in gold in my eyes. Love you all.

    1. I just reread it myself and realized I never pointed out that you did drive fast enough.
