
Friday, January 29, 2021

Baby Painting

I paint a picture for each baby I carry and grow. Usually I paint it during the pregnancy, Éowyn’s is the only one I didn’t finish until the baby had already arrived. 

Estel’s painting has the most meaning, and oh how short a period that part of our life ended up being. My recordings from them seem so dramatic now, but how were we to know the time would be so short, and therefore bearable? 

This baby, our fifth, came as a surprise this summer, but it’s such a blessing and wonderful surprise; along with a whole summer filled with blessings.

I was inspired by those emotions when drafting this one. Our trips west, to the mountains I love and where I happened to be  when I realized I was most likely expecting, the promised coming of all things I thought God had asked us to give up forever, and the fruition of all my dreams and prayers being answered as we moved home, it was easy to draw from the joy and cheer filling my heart for this one’s painting.

Baby bump the fifth’s





1 comment:

  1. Pretty picture! I am glad you put all of the pictures at the end for us to see. As I was reading I was trying to remember what the other paintings looked like. It's nice to see them all in one post. ;)
