
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

{Foodie Post No.6} Green Tomato Spiced Chutney

This recipe originally started with these ingredients:

By the time I was finished, I had added a jalapeno and black pepper

Zested the lemon peel and grated the ginger



finished product

Green Tomato Spiced Chutney

  • 4 lbs green tomatoes, diced
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 tsp ground cardamom
  • 2 lemon, zest and juice
  • 2 inch piece of ginger, grated
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tsp all spice
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 2 jalapeños, seeded and chopped
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and gently mix to combine. Cover and refrigerate over night or up to 24 hours.
Transfer to a large pot and heat on the stove. Bring to a simmer and hold for about half an hour, enough time for the flavors to meld and the tomatoes to soften slightly.
Remove the cinnamon stick.
Fill clean sterilized canning jars. Clean rims, place lids on and screw down bands. Process in a water bath for 20 minutes. Remove from the bath and allow to cool and seal before removing bands. 

Many people don't trust a water bath to properly preserve tomato based foods, you can opt to freeze this instead, I read some about using a pressure canner but there seems to be evidence that you would reduce your chutney to mush if you tried that route. My family has always trusted the water bath method and have yet to find it be problematic. 

I wasn't very careful in accurately weighing or measuring the tomatoes, or anything else to be honest, I just did it by taste; hence the addition of black pepper and jalapeños.

This made 5 pints (configured as 4 pints and 2 half pints if you noticed in the picture).

Next up will be Salsa Verde!

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